Joe Walsh Bashes The Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame

I've always had enormous love and respect for Joe Walsh.  From the James Gang to solo albums and with the Eagles his playing is that rare combination of soulfulness and technically flawless!  He was stopped by TMZ to give his opinions on the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Joe calls out the 'corporate sponsors' who get to pick and choose who gets in and who doesn't.  I'm not quite sure who these corporate sponsors are but it brings up a point that should be addressed.  At this point in time, why don't we let the people who are already "in" the Hall of Fame make the list of who should be nominated?  It would give extra credence to the Hall to have the artists deciding who is carrying the torch (for future picks) and who were influential but overlooked (for past picks).  Although the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame has been so compromised over the years that it probably doesn't matter.  Maybe there should be a new 'inner sanctum' that only the few truly icons of rock should be allowed to enter; Chuck Berry, Little Richard, Elvis, the Beatles, Stones, Led Zep, Pink Floyd, Van Halen, etc.  But over time that would probably be compromised too!!! 

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