What Was the First CD You Ever Owned?

I was thinking about this today as I looked at my music for the day. Stone Temple Pilots "Core" was my very first CD. It wasn't the first album I ever owned. I mean I had a sweet Fisher Price record player that was home to some amazing classic kids albums (I still remember rocking out to "On Top of Old Smokey" and "Yankee Doodle" in my bedroom) and an amazing pink boombox that played cassettes! But as far as CD's went...that was my first.

I feel like with all the nostalgia over vinyl these days, maybe it's time we start giving love to CD's! Not that I have anything to play them on. Even my car no longer has a CD player. But I'm sure there's a Discman out there somewhere just waiting to be found and loved!

What was the problem with CD's anyway? Aside from the fact that they could skip if you left a greasy fingerprint on it. Or if you put it face up on a table it was bound to get scratched! And then there was the issue with warping when you left them in a hot car for too long. But I digress.

Is it time to bring the CD back? What do you think? And check out this weird news report on CD's from 1985...3 years after the CD was first introduced to the public!

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