Comparing Axl Rose to Herbert the Pervert Might Be Going Too Far

I think this is pretty harsh. There's a story making its way around the internet comparing Axl Rose to "Herbert the Pervert" from Family Guy. Why? Because Axl was having trouble with his vocals during "Welcome to the Jungle".

Let's be realistic, there's no way that Axl's voice can last forever. It's unique. It requires a ton of work. And the man is screaming his face off every night he performs! So every once in a while, we need to cut the guy a break.

When you see the video from the performance at a festival in Norway, you'll notice his vocals sounding a bit off. However, what some people are failing to account for is the fact that he gets it back before the end of this very short clip.

So give the man a break! He's Rock Royalty!

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