Got an STD? Blame Covid!

Well, we're approaching Fall. Time to kiss that red, hot, Covid summer goodbye. Or...not so much!

According to the executive director of the National Coalition of STD Directors, and this is a direct quote, the STD situation is currently "out of control".


SO what are we looking at here? Mostly syphilis. And some gonorrhea. Add in a sprinkle of our new favorite STD, Monkeypox, and we've got a groundswell of new infections hitting the USA.

What are we to do about it? You know that's a tough question. SO many people, including the instructors in health class (also known as your gym teacher) told us so many things. Mostly to USE A CONDOM!!!!!

Seriously. Wrap it up. Stuff it in there. Whatever form of condom you better start using it. Because with a 25% increase in STD's...some being the kind that don't go away with antibiotics...we better figure it out.

Some good news for you is that they're working on at-home testing. Although we can be angry that Covid created this weird sexual backlash, it also helped to create a home-testing dialogue that we may not have been open to pre 2020. And now that manufacturers know that we want at-home testing, they're more apt to get behind the manufacture of said goods as well.

The short story? Stay safe. If you've been having unprotected sex, get tested. And if you need a buddy to walk into a store and buy prophylactics with, you just let me know. I have no fear!

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