Power Slap...a Leaf for Slapping People as Hard as You Can...Comes to PPV

You can go ahead and admit that you love a good slap fight video. Listen, I've watched them and I really don't even condone violence! Of course, it's always best when both participants are "willing"! The Will Smith thing is not in the same category.

That being said, why not make it into a sport? Well don't worry, because the president of the UFC, Dana White (yes, that same Dana White who slapped his wife and is a huge dink), did indeed create a slap fighting league called Power Slap. It's becoming so big that now, Power Slap, will become a Pay-Per-View event in Las Vegas this March.

Now this won't be the first televised event. "Power Slap: Road to the Title" is a show on TBS. The 3rd episode is set to air tomorrow (Wednesday, February 1st). But a huge PPV event in Vegas is something that is expected to draw potentially millions of viewers. Are you surprised? Me neither!

In case you've missed the show, below is a video showing the "Top 5 Power Slap Knockouts" so far. Be prepared...these are nasty! These "athletes?" take some pretty nasty hits to the face.

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