Doug & Scarpetti

Doug & Scarpetti

Doug & Scarpetti have worked together, on and off, for close to 15 years. They love to argue and break each other's balls but are pretty close...Full Bio


Rumour: Bruce Willis Allegedly Suffering From Dementia

There is a rumour doing the rounds lately that claims Hollywood actor Bruce Willis, best known for his role as John McClane in the Die Hard franchise, may be suffering from on-set memory loss on account of dementia.

Furthermore, allegations suggest that during the filming of his recent movies, Willis, 66, is being fed his lines through an earpiece.

Rumours about the actor battling dementia have actually been circulating for quite a while now.

In January of last year, an unnamed insider told OK! Magazine that Willis had been “waging a personal war” with a condition that had been affecting his memory “for a number of years”.

YouTube channel Red Letter Media touched on this topic in a recent episode of their Half in the Bag series titled ‘The Bruce Willis Fake Movie Factory,’ wherein host Jay Bauman pointed out how Willis could be seen wearing an earpiece in the movie Apex.

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