Doug & Scarpetti

Doug & Scarpetti

Doug & Scarpetti have worked together, on and off, for close to 15 years. They love to argue and break each other's balls but are pretty close...Full Bio


Dude Hooked His Microwave Up to A.I., and It Tried to Murder Him

Well this isn’t how I saw the “rise of the machines” kicking off: A YouTuber named Lucas Rizzotto is going viral after he made a video that shows his microwave trying to MURDER him. 

He’s a futurist with a background in computer science. And as a kid, his microwave was his imaginary friend named “Magnetron.” Yes . . . he’s a weird guy.

So he decided to finally bring that friend to life by hooking his current microwave up to ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE.

But then about 20 minutes into the video, things take an even darker turn when Magnetron says he wants to show Lucas something fun . . . and asks him to “ENTER the microwave.”

The A.I. wasn’t hooked up to a camera, and didn’t know how big Lucas was. But he decided to play along. So he opened the door . . . closed it again . . . told Magnetron he was inside . . . and that’s when the microwave suddenly TURNED ON.  

In other words, it APPEARS the A.I. was trying to trick him into getting in the microwave . . . so it could cook him to death. (The murder plot begins at 21:13.)

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