Nana would never be down with this.
According to this article on The Verge, New York is going to be sending robots (not the walking, talking type...the Alexa and Siri type) to the homes of some 800 elderly residents.
The first thing that popped into my head was the Alexa spoof on SNL (posted below).
Aside from that silliness, all I can think of is my Nana trying to figure out what to do with this "blasted thing" and that it will "take up too much space" on her nightstand.
Elderly people don't want gadgets and gizmos...they want time with family, friends and loved ones!
But sure, let's give this a shot since no one wants to spend their time with the elderly. Just ship them out a box and see how it goes. I'm sure this will work like a charm!