What happens when a member of Megadeth and a member of Guns'n'Roses shows up at the Boys and Girls Club in Boston??? Music lessons!!! Awesome video below and it brings up a topic that really pisses me off... the lack of music in our schools! The education of our kids is getting more and more geared to being 'productive' or having 'employable skills.' This brings up a big quality of life question but as our old pal Friedrich Nietzsche said,“Without music, life would be a mistake." On a practical level reading music is based in math and (Dad tip #1) both of my sons who took guitar lessons spent more time trying to figure out Red Hot Chili Peppers licks than playing video games. And it's something you have as a rewarding hobby for life... I still play guitar (not well) but love the challenge of figuring out how to play one of my all time favorites. If you're on a parent committee or you work for a school system PLEASE fight the good fight... life is so much more than being a 'good, productive employee' (what are we, f*cking ants???)... bring MUSIC BACK TO OUR SCHOOLS!
Paul & Al have been rocking Southern New England on 94HJY for over 30 years. Proof that a good fart joke can last forever!Full Bio