Brian May of Queen returned home from receiving an award only to find the horror of sewage flooding his basement. Some precious memories were destroyed and May was pretty heartbroken and upset. How would you feel coming home to something as gross as this? (Photo by YELIM LEE/AFP via Getty Images)
For more content, visit The Paul and Al page at every day for videos, podcasts, blogs, and more. Paul and Al are going to celebrate their 31st anniversary at HJY this upcoming July, the same year 94 HJY, Your Home of Rock 'n Roll, is celebrating its 40th anniversary of broadcasting. Be sure and listen to The Paul and Al Show every weekday morning on HJY from 5:30-10 a.m. The Paul and Al Show is home to Stump the DJ, heard Thursday mornings from 8-10. Submit your best joke on the Paul and Al Facebook page or call Paul and Al when they're in-studio at 401-224-1994 for your shot at $94 and the Stump the DJ shirt!