Paul and Al

Paul and Al

Paul & Al have been rocking Southern New England on 94HJY for over 30 years. Proof that a good fart joke can last forever!Full Bio


Does Playing Hard Rock During Surgeries Help Doctors' Abilities?

A recent study by Heidelberg University in Germany says that playing music during operations improves the surgeons’ abilities. In the trial, doctors that listened to Highway to Hell and T.N.T. from AC/DC were able to make a precision cut in 139 seconds instead of the usual 236 seconds!


(Photo by LOIC VENANCE/AFP via Getty Images)Photo: Getty Images

Both soft and hard rock were found to improve performance, but for hard rock “The positive effect was especially noticeable when the music was played at high volume.” 9 out of 10 doctors recommend hard rock in the OR. Read the full story HERE.

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