I am so excited it is that time of year again time to get the garden started!
I have about over 30 different plants that I want to grow this year, including fruits vegetables and herbs. I am getting some of my seedlings started this weekend, about a dozen of them.
Last year I wasn't as motivated, so I started gardening late but this year I am ready to take the bull by the horns. So hopefully the garden will flourish even better this year, and I had a pretty decent garden last year. You can check out some of those pictures below, I even had a set of twin squash.
This year I'm on top of everything thanks to The Old Farmers Almanac. Now, I know when to start my seedlings and when to plant them outside. You can check it out for your area too, click this link and all you have to do is put in your ZIP code. You can figure out when you should start your seedlings inside or outside based on the frost date or the moon date. Personally, I am going by the frost date. I have about a dozen seedlings to start this weekend including celery, eggplant, peppers, tomatoes and more. My celery plants didn't do so well last year, so I'm looking forward to giving it another try this year. I love celery and carrots, especially with some Italian dressing, and don't even get me started on cucumbers. Love them! lol
I'm also looking forward to growing some new plants this year as well. Going to grow some broccoli, peas, and eggplants, for the first time. I'm also going to grow a lot of the stuff I did last year including cucumbers, squash, zucchini, pumpkins, watermelon, plus many more and a handful of herbs like rosemary, sage, and lavender. I'm really looking forward to making my own sage sticks for smudging. I love a good cleansing.
As far as tips, full disclosure this is only my second year with my big garden. I am in no way an expert, but we can learn together. Also, things may be different for you depending on your budget, garden size/ options and of course your growing region might different from mine.
First things first got to get your seeds started. Check the calendar for you grown region specifics. My favorite way to start them in the tiny starter trays. I go the DIY route and use Solo cups with some holes cut in the bottom for drainage. You can just but some small planters if you want the jiffy pots are great. Get your seeds some seedling soil use whatever brand you prefer, I like Miracle Grow. Water them fertilize them, they'll enjoy that my garden thrives last year thanks to the fertilizing. I never realized how important that was. More on that later. Once the seedlings have sprouted a bit and are ready I'm going to transplant them outside into their garden boxes and continue caring for them out there. I have to make some new trellises for the cucumbers and the squash and eggplants as well this year, and I'm really eager to do that too. Last year I grew my squash on the ground this year I'm going to try growing it up I can't wait to see how that will go. And I'm hoping it will keep it away from the annoying little woodchuck that likes to come around our yard.
Check back for more gardening updates on my journey, and I'll share some tips and tricks with you as well stay tuned love ya happy gardening!
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Photo: Stephanie Dansereau