Paul and Al

Paul and Al

Paul & Al have been rocking Southern New England on 94HJY for over 30 years. Proof that a good fart joke can last forever!Full Bio


Why Did Tool Post A "No Pee Zone" Sign Onstage?

Tool is touring Europe right now and their opening act is a band called Brass Against. And they got a special note from Tool on the opening night, which the singer Sophia posted on Twitter. It’s a sign taped to the stage that said, "NO PEE ZONE.” That’s a reference to what she did on stage at Daytona a couple months ago. She got a volunteer from the audience to come onstage to be peed on, which Sophia did. Police investigated but no charges were filed.

Close-Up Of Illuminated Text On Wall

Photo: Getty Images

The exact text of the sign left by Tool for Sophia read: This is a NO PEE zone…No Urine Is To Be- Deposited, Placed, Distributed, Sprinkled, Poured, and/or Spread In This Immediate Area." Both bands got some laughs and she got hundreds of thousands of hits on Twitter. Read the full story HERE.

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